
Share your stories!

Posted Aug 14, 2017, by Sarah Martik

CCJ Staff and Board members enjoy a water balloon fight at Ryerson

CCJ Staff and Board members enjoy a water balloon fight at Ryerson

Governor Tom Wolf and our state legislators have cut protections for streams in Ryerson Station State Park, but the fight to protect the Park is not over. We will work to prevent Consol from profiting by destroying our only state park in Greene County.  We love Ryerson, and it belongs to all of us – not an outside corporation. Ryerson has impacted so many of our lives and inspired so many stories we look back on with fondness.

We want to hear those stories. Tell us your favorite memory from Ryerson, or let us know what activities you do there. What does the Park mean to you?

CCJ will compile these stories into one place to be shared with our community to remind ourselves that we’re all united in the same cause and with local policymakers to remind them that we are not going anywhere.

To share your stories, use this link: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/ryseron-stories 

Send us a photo if you can by emailing smartik@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org with your name in the title.


  • Sarah Martik

    Sarah joined the CCJ team as a Community Organizer in 2017 after previous work in performing arts and foreign language education, and became our Executive Director in 2023. A resident of Coal Center, PA, she is excited to work on issues related to legacy coal mining and the connection between the Appalachian petrochemical buildout and increases in fracking in southwestern PA communities like hers. She has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Policy but often says that her undergraduate degree in Theatre from the California University of Pennsylvania has been more useful in her work than anything else (ask her why sometimes!). When she is not working, Sarah loves spending time with her fiancé, niece, and nephews, and going on walks with her "fur kid" Lucy. Contact Sarah at smartik@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

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