
CCJ is at the Jacktown Fair all this week!

Posted Jul 18, 2019, by Heaven Sensky

CCJ Community Organizer Heaven Sensky

CCJ Community Organizer Heaven Sensky

In an effort to reach as many people as possible to discuss Economic Justice for Greene County, The Center for Coalfield Justice will be present at both fairs in the county as well as Rain Day.

The Legendary Jacktown Fair kicked off this past Tuesday, July 16th in Wind Ridge, Pennsylvania. Attendance to the fair is free, and folks from near and far come to experience the small town tradition that is the Jacktown Fair. That said, CCJ has been participating in the fair with a tabling space in one of several buildings onsite. 

Fair attendees are prompted with one question from CCJ- “What is your hope for Greene County?” CCJ’s booth features a trifold board displaying the plethora of “hopes” folks have for their community. In conversing about our hopes for Greene, we have been discussing the 10 year Comprehensive Planning Process that the County Commissioners are currently presiding over. We have been informing as many people as possible that the public comment period should be opening over the course of the next week, and that their hopes for Greene are valid… and worth sharing. 

We are also having fun engaging folks at the fair with our original Kerplunk game, where participants play each other in “holding up the pillars of their community” through a series of scenarios that are on par with the challenges of living in a community that teeters on the impacts of the fossil fuel industry. You could win a free CCJ T-shirt or a $25 gift card! 

The people at Jacktown have been kind and engaged in the work that we are doing, and we are eager to make ourselves available to the community beyond economic justice, including how we may be able to help individual community members to navigate the effects of the fossil fuel industry in their personal lives. 

We encourage YOU to stop by the Jacktown Fair to see us from today through Saturday, July 20th. You won’t regret it- and afterall.. “You can’t die happy ‘til you’ve been” to the Jacktown Fair!

For more information about CCJ’s Economic Justice Campaign, to make suggestions, or for volunteer opportunities, contact Heaven Lee Sensky at heaven@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org or 724-229-3550 Ext. 103.


  • Heaven Sensky

    Heaven Lee Sensky (she/her) is the Organizing Director with the Center for Coalfield Justice. She primarily serves Washington and Greene Counties on issues of Oil and Gas development and provides support for our organizing team. Heaven has been with CCJ for 4 years, working on a variety of campaigns serving impacted community members including advocacy around the prevalence of rare childhood cancers, the impacts of waste generated and disposed of by the oil and gas industry, and advocating for harm reduction in relation to the opioid epidemic. CCJ is organizing frontline residents through grassroots efforts to advocate for healthy communities with thriving economies. Heaven was born and raised on a small farm in Washington County where her family has resided for 5 generations. She is a first-generation college student and a graduate of American University (Washington, D.C.) with a bachelor’s degree in Communications, Law Studies, Economics, and Government. Before joining team CCJ, Heaven interned in the United States Senate and for the office of Barack and Michelle Obama. She lives with her husband Casey and her dog Olive on her family farm. Contact Heaven at heaven@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

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