
Lisa DePaoli

Lisa (Coffield) DePaoli joined the CCJ staff in 2018 and is now our Communications Director. She grew up in rural Washington County, has family in both Washington and Greene Counties, and has always loved animals and spending time outdoors. A first-generation and nontraditional college student, her deep interest in human beings and ecology led her to earn a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Pittsburgh in 2012. She has worked on research projects and taught at the university level in the U.S. and in field schools in Latin America. The knowledge and experience she gained increased her concern for environmental and social justice issues, which she believes are best addressed at the local level, or from the "bottom up," including the voices of those who are most impacted. Lisa works to understand issues from the local to the global, seeks to make a positive difference, and loves to talk to people about what interests or concerns them. In her free time, she enjoys reading, spending time with her family, furkids, and friends, and walking in the woods with her dogs.

Contact Lisa at lisa@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

Blog Posts by Lisa DePaoli

Press Release: Parents Still Left in the Dark about Childhood Cancer Studies, Demand Update from Pitt and the DOH

By Lisa DePaoli | May 22, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 18, 2023 Contact: Lisa DePaoli, Communications Manager, Center for Coalfield Justice, 724-229-3550, lisa@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org Ned Ketyer, M.D., F.A.A.P., President, Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania, 724-255-7440, ned@psrpa.org Scott Smith, Communications Manager, Environmental Health Project, 412-600-0738, ssmith@environmentalhealthproject.org PARENTS STILL LEFT IN THE DARK ABOUT CHILDHOOD CANCER STUDIES, DEMAND UPDATE FROM PITT AND DEPT OF […]


By Lisa DePaoli | January 18, 2023

          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 18, 2023 Contact: Lisa DePaoli, lisa@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org, 724-229-3550, ext. 5 PA REPORT FINDS STATE REGULATORS ARE FAILING TO HOLD OIL AND GAS ACCOUNTABLE — The Department of Environmental Protection needs the staffing and resources to protect communities across the Commonwealth Washington, PA. – Pennsylvania’s first-ever assessment of the […]

CCJ Welcomes our New Community Organizer and Communications Associate

By Lisa DePaoli | December 9, 2022

We are happy to report that we have expanded our team in order to better serve our communities. Jodi Borello is our new community organizer for Washington County. Jodi and her family have been negatively impacted by the fossil fuel industry through multiple environmental crimes: Jodi has testified in front of two grand juries that […]

Gov. Wolf’s Proposed Backroom Tax Breaks for Oil and Gas Would Cost Taxpayers Billions

By Lisa DePaoli | October 26, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 26, 2022 Contact: Virginia Alvino Young, virginia@sequalconsulting.com GOV. WOLF’S PROPOSED BACKROOM TAX BREAKS FOR OIL AND GAS WOULD COST TAXPAYERS BILLIONS  —– The record-breaking subsidies for an infeasible hydrogen hub won’t create jobs or wealth for the communities most harmed by fracking.   HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania —— Pennsylvania state leaders are working […]

Pitt School of Public Health, PA Dept of Health abruptly pull out of public meeting they helped convene

By Lisa DePaoli | September 29, 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact: Virginia Alvino Young, virginia@sequalconsulting.com, 714-267-1623   Pitt School of Public Health, PA Dept of Health abruptly pull out of public meeting they helped convene   — At the last minute, the institutions backed out of a public meeting about their own studies on the link between natural gas development and childhood cancer […]

The Inflation Reduction Act Includes Some Wins, But Ensures Frontline Communities Will Continue to Face Environmental Injustices

By Lisa DePaoli | August 16, 2022

“This is a crisis. We cannot afford any fossil fuel expansion,” said Veronica Coptis, Executive Director of the Center for Coalfield Justice. “Unfortunately, this law is the product of a backroom deal that could weaken environmental protection laws through permitting reform. Doubling down on natural gas drilling is a recipe for disaster, and the IRA sells out our allies in the Gulf South to more offshore drilling that exacerbates damage to the climate and the extreme weather events like flooding and hurricanes that impact us all.” 

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