Our blogs are written by the staff of the Center for Coalfield Justice, with an occasional guest post. The most recent post appears on top, and others show up below in order of publishing date. You can receive the blogs in your inbox by signing up for our mailing list. Once per month we publish a newsletter, which contains most of the blog posts.
Updates on the Bailey Omnis Prep Plant
Early this morning, a large fire was reported above ground at the Bailey Prep Plant in West Finley, PA. So far, we know that first responders are on the scene, residents are being evacuated, and the building contains “an unknown amount of diesel fuel” and other chemicals for a “frother.” Right now, the biggest known…
Just Transition and the Green Manufacturing Boom
In the ever-evolving landscape of global energy, the transition towards renewable resources is murky and unclear. Yet, amidst this transformation, it’s imperative to ensure that no one is left behind. This concept is encapsulated in the notion of a “just transition,” which not only emphasizes environmental sustainability but also prioritizes social equity and economic justice….
Introducing a New CCJ Resource: Pennsylvania Agency Guide
As part of our mission to provide people with the information that they need to know, CCJ is proud to introduce our newest resource: the Pennsylvania Agency Guide! This guide is intended to provide more information about agencies that could be involved in portions of our work. Agencies are part of the executive branch of…
How Have Washington and Greene Counties Spent Opioid Settlement Funds so Far?
CCJ has been working closely with community members, service providers, and other local advocates to encourage the county to spend opioid settlement funds in a way that increases and expands the amount of harm reduction and recovery resources and services we have in our area. Annually on March 15th, counties must submit their reports for…
Press Release: Hundreds of Residents Warn Against “Living in Dystopia” to Cecil Board Hearing Wednesday
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contacts: Lisa DePaoli, 412-229-7116, lisa@centerforcoalfieldjustice.orgArielle Cohen, 516-983-5440, arielle@acohen.llc HUNDREDS OF RESIDENTS WARN AGAINST “LIVING IN A DYSTOPIA” TO CECIL BOARD HEARING WEDNESDAY Area residents and homeowners gather to support increase in fracking well setbacks to protect new housing developments and residents. CECIL TOWNSHIP, PA – MAY 8, 2024 – Hundreds of…
Want a MAD-FACTS yard sign? Let us know by signing up! We will deliver!
Fracking puts our Health at Risk- and we need your help to get the word out across the community! We are so excited to announce that we have MAD-FACTS yard signs in stock. The yard signs are FREE and we would be happy to bring one to you! Displaying a MAD-FACTS sign in your yard will…
Opioid Settlement Funds Update
Image: High Cost of Medicine (dollar), by Markus Mainka, Canva With many lawsuits already settled and others held up due to bankruptcy cases, money from the nationwide opioid settlements has been flowing to states and localities, including Washington and Greene Counties. Here are some of the latest updates: Drugmaker Mallinckrodt filed for a second bankruptcy that…
Important Information for Voters! Washington County will not allow Ballot Curing; ACLU and PILC Poised to Sue
As voters, our collective voice shapes the future. Voting by mail is safe, secure, and the most accessible option for many of us. However, Washington County has recently decided not to allow voters to fix unintentional errors on their absentee/mail-in ballots. This is shameful – knowing that people’s votes will be thrown out over technicalities…
Our Seed Swap is Growing “like a Zucchini Plant in the Summer”
As Karen Mansfield of the Observer Reporter remarked in her March 26th article, “The Center for Coalfield Justice Seed Swap is growing like a zucchini plant in the summer.” We got a chuckle out of that because it was a brilliant analogy and oh so true! Our 4th Annual Seed Swap broke attendance records this…