
Archive: Coal

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Case Update on our Fight for Ryerson Station State Park

By Patrick / November 9, 2016
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Starting in 2014, we partnered with the Sierra Club to bring an appeal to a permit that authorized longwall coal mining that predicted severe stream impacts in and around Ryerson Station State Park in Greene County. At the heart of the appeal is whether Consol’s right to longwall mine trumps the protections set forth in the Clean Streams Law, the Department’s mining regulations, and Article 1, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution.

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Recent Bulletin Updates

By CCJ / September 14, 2016
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Below, find updates on coal and gas activity from the recent issues of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Call our office at 724-229-3550 if you see anything of concern. 

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Today is the Day We Start our Trial to Protect Streams.

By Patrick / August 11, 2016
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Dear Supporters, 

As we begin our long-awaited trial before the Environmental Hearing Board, I’d like to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you to all of our members who have attended DRYerson Festivals for the past ten years. Thank you to all those who have donated your precious time and resources to support our organization’s fight for environmental justice. Thank you to all those who have shared our message with family, friends, neighbors and colleagues. We could not do this work without you, and for that, I thank you.

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10th annual Dryerson Festival

10th Annual DRYerson Festival

By Patrick / June 30, 2016
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The Center for Coalfield Justice held the 10th Annual DRYerson Festival on June 25th at Ryerson Station State Park. The theme of this year’s Festival was: Our Park, Our Streams, Our Future. We were joined by more than 60 long-time members and volunteers from around southwestern Pennsylvania. This year, we shared the loss of Duke […]

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longwall mining damage to Polen Run

Longwall Mining Damage to Polen Run Near Ryerson Station State Park

By Patrick / June 21, 2016
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The video above shows subsidence from the Bailey Mine’s longwall mining which has dewatered a section of Polen Run just outside Ryerson Station State Park. There is also footage of the great disruption caused by the company’s attempts to mitigate the damage.

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sign for Ryerson Station State Park

Update in Our Case For Ryerson Station State Park: EHB Denies Consol’s Motion

By Patrick / May 24, 2016
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On Monday, May 16th, Consol filed a motion and memorandum of law asking the Environmental Hearing Board to remove and disregard portions of our Reply Brief, which was filed on May 9th. In event that the Board decided not to remove those portions of our Reply Brief, Consol’s motion requested permission to file a response to our Reply Brief and that the Environmental Hearing Board schedule oral argument before ruling on our motion for summary judgment.

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