
Archive: Ryerson

Dryerson Festival 11th

Community Comes Together to Fight for Streams in Ryerson Station State Park

By Veronica Coptis / June 30, 2017
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DRYerson 11TH

But why ‘DRYerson’?

By Sarah Martik / June 15, 2017
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CCJ Sierra Club Conference at Capitol

Environmental Groups, Locals Speak Out Against Bill Threatening to Harm PA Streams

By Veronica Coptis / May 23, 2017
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Kent Run Ryerson

DCNR and Consol reach an agreement on stream remediation within Ryerson Station State Park

By Sarah Winner / May 17, 2017
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N. Fork Dunkard Fork Iron bridge Ryerson

Our Streams Under Attack – Fight Back!

By Veronica Coptis / May 11, 2017
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SB 624 Proposed changes vs current law

What will Senate Bill 624 Change?

By Sarah Winner / May 1, 2017
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Senator Joe Scarnati and Senator Gene Yaw introduced Senate Bill No. 624 (SB 624) last month, and it is now before the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee. SB 624 proposes amendments to the Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (commonly referred to as Act 54 or the Mine Subsidence Act). Senator Scarnati’s Chief Counsel, […]

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