
Bailey Mine Expansion Public Conference

Posted Jun 27, 2019, by Nick Hood

There is a pending revision for Bailey Mine that will add 2,510 acres of existing underground permit area and underground subsidence control plan area from development mining to longwall mining.  We encourage you to attend the July 2, 2019 informal public conference held by the PA Department of Environmental Protection from 1-3 P.M. at Ryerson Station State Park Visitor Center located at 361 Bristoria Road, Wind Ridge, PA 15380.  Department representatives will be available to receive written and verbal testimony regarding the permit.

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The proposed revision also requests approval to perform minor types of stream restoration as may be necessary for streams located within the proposed revision.  Long Run, Blacks Creek, South Fork Dunkard Fork and numerous other Unnamed Tributaries are within the subsidence control area. Please attend this public meeting to ensure the protection of your property, water supplies, and the health of these streams and our drinking water.  If you have any questions or comments or if you need help creating your written or verbal testimony regarding this permit, please contact Nick at nick@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org or 724-229-3550 ext. 104.


  • Nick Hood

    Nick Hood is the Senior Organizer at CCJ. Nick and his family have lived, worked, and recreated in Washington County for their entire lives. He attended the University of Pittsburgh and earned his degree in Environmental Studies. Nick is passionate about the environment and his community, and hopes to see an increase in environmental protection to help ensure the health and well-being of his family, including his 4 nephews and 1 niece. As a part of his goals, he aims to educate and provide the community with the necessary knowledge and tools to combat pollution and corruption perpetuated by the large energy companies. When he is not working, he likes to play music, watch baseball, and spend time with his family and friends. Contact Nick at nick@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

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