
Give Your Input for the Washington County Planning Commission 2022 Comprehensive Plan

Posted Jul 15, 2022, by Allison Evans

Wash Cty infrastructure Wash Cty investment areas






Washington County is updating its Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in 2005. The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (Act of 1968, P.L. 805, No. 247, as reenacted and amended) defines a County Comprehensive Plan as “a land use and growth management plan prepared by the county planning commission and adopted by the county commissioners which establishes broad goals and criteria for municipalities to use in the preparation of their comprehensive plan and land use regulation.

What does this mean for you? The website for the comprehensive plan states ”The Washington County Comprehensive Plan will better equip the County Leadership to guide municipal officials as they prepare and update their local comprehensive land use plans and supporting land use ordinances.” The County’s Comprehensive Plan, in other words, can be used to improve our roads, revitalize our downtowns, expand and fix our infrastructure, bring broadband to rural areas, and increase and diversify our parks and recreation areas. We can add tourist destinations, address housing concerns, and decide what type of industry we want in Washington County. This is why it is very important to give your feedback on what you want to see happen, as well as what you don’t want to see happen in the county.

The plan update is being developed with the assistance of stakeholders and the public. They have held two open house style public meetings to receive community input. At both meetings, the public was asked specific questions about infrastructure, housing, transportation, land use, economic development, tourism – all crucial questions that impact the everyday lives of people in Washington County as well as the economic future of the county.

They are still accepting input throughout the summer, and in the fall they will draft a proposal for the Washington County Commissioners. There will be public hearings before the plan is adopted. 

We encourage our members to engage with this process to let the Washington County Commissioners know your vision for our County moving forward. After thinking about the questions listed below in regard to what YOU would like to see in Washington County’s Comprehensive Plan, please take this survey so the planning commission knows what’s important to YOU! 



Examples of questions to consider: 


What roads do you frequently travel?

What is your general opinion of road conditions?

What are the priorities for repairs/upgrades?

What public transportation needs does Washington County have?

Do you have issues with access to certain areas of the county?

Do you plan to buy an electric car in the future? 

Are there any impediments to stop you from doing this, such as charging station availability?


What are our priority needs?

What resources / opportunities exist?

Do you have any ideas for future events / packages/ attractions?

Have you visited tourism attractions in the county?

Do you have ideas to attract visitors?

Have you visited any local or county parks?

Are there recreation amenities you feel are missing?

Do you feel river recreation is important?

Land Management

What are priority needs?

What resources and opportunities exist?

Is there active agriculture in your area?

Does agriculture conflict with other land uses?

What areas do you feel Washington County should work to preserve or protect?

Are there parks/public open spaces near you?

Do you feel there is a need for more open space?

Do you think there is a need for more parks or open spaces in any area of the county?

Targeted Areas of Investment and Downtown Revitalization

What areas should we prioritize for investments?

What economic development initiatives should we explore?

What resources/opportunities exist?

What do you want to see in revitalized downtown areas?

What improvements need to be made to attract people to downtown areas?

What businesses or industries are missing in Washington County?

Do you feel a destination type of travel stop along the interstate is an economic driver?

Housing Talking Points

What are our priority needs?

What resources/opportunities exist?

Would you prefer to relocate to another area of the county? Why?

What are the positive and negative aspects of where you currently live?

Have you had trouble finding housing?

Do you feel the cost of housing is reasonable?

Do you think there is a need for other housing types in the county?

Infrastructure Questions

What are the priority needs in your area?

What resources/opportunities exist?

Are there any issues with sewer, internet, or water in your area?

Washington County hired Mackin Engineers & Consultants to do the research for the Comprehensive Plan. For more information please contact Brandi Rosselli, AICP, the manager of planning Services at Mackin Engineers & Consultants at 412.788.0472 or via email at brosselli@mackinengineering.com. You can also contact Lisa Cessna, the Planning Director for the Washington County Planning Commission at 724.228.6811 or via email at CessnaL@co.washington.pa.us, or feel free to contact Community Organizer Allison Evans at 724-229-3550 or allison@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

Please check the website for the Comprehensive Plan for updates on public hearings in the fall.

If you’d like to stay informed about this issue, please sign up for our email list. 




  • Allison Evans

    Allison Evans (she/her) is our Events Coordinator and was born and raised in Washington County. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in General Studio Art with a minor in History from Westminster College and an Associate of Science in Fashion Design from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. Allison is an artist, a photographer, and an activist whose passion for activism and social justice brought her to CCJ. She serves on the board of a local non-profit, ReVisions, that strives to fight racism by addressing its roots in our educational system and teaching the next generation about diversity and inclusivity. Allison also has ties to the fracking industry. The family farm she grew up on had a well pad, and her husband worked for the industry for years. She saw firsthand how fracking and energy extraction affects people in her community. Allison has a passion for sustainability, growing her own food, and composting. She loves gardening with her husband Jason, spending time with family and friends, trips to the ocean, camping, and spoiling her cats, Kitty and Katniss. Contact Allison at allison@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

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