
Ethan Story


Ethan comes to CCJ with a J.D. and a Master of Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School. While attending Vermont Law School, Ethan worked as a Research Associate with the Water and Justice Program. In this role he worked with diverse stakeholders to help protect their natural resources. Ethan also interned with the PA Department of Environmental Protection and Pennsylvania Environmental Council. Additionally, he served as an editor on the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law. Ethan has been published on the subjects of public trust and environmental law. When he is not at work, he is spending time with his family, running, and fly fishing one of PA’s many beautiful rivers.

He can be reached at ethan@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org

Posts by Ethan Story

What we have asked for, and what they are giving us

By Ethan Story | September 27, 2021

Who determines whether we have clean air or not? As members of the public, do we hold a responsibility to ourselves and each other to ask for clean air? On the other hand, if we don’t ask for clean air, should we be surprised to find that our air is considered dangerous to our health? […]

NRDC’s Report: There is Radioactive Waste in our Water, Air, and Communities

By Ethan Story | August 5, 2021

Last week, the NRDC released a comprehensive report highlighting the gaps in our federal and state laws concerning how radioactive waste, generated from oil and gas development, gets into our water and air. The report, which is aptly titled: A Hot Fracking Mess: How Weak Regulations of Oil and Gas Production Leads to Radioactive Waste […]

What is Happening at the Holbrook Compressor Station

By Ethan Story | July 28, 2021

The Holbrook Compressor Station (“Holbrook”), which sits on just over 44 acres of land adjacent to the Ryerson Station State Park in Richhill Township, Greene County, began its operation in 1955. Currently, there are twelve reciprocating units on site that aid in the movement of natural gas, which runs from the Gulf Coast of Texas […]

Updates on the Robena preparation plant site, and a short survey for those who live nearby

By Ethan Story | May 10, 2021

Author Ethan Story Ethan comes to CCJ with a J.D. and a Master of Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School. While attending Vermont Law School, Ethan worked as a Research Associate with the Water and Justice Program. In this role, he worked with diverse stakeholders to help protect their access to reliable, clean […]

What is Act 54, and how can we use it to ensure better protection for our communities?

By Ethan Story | March 11, 2021

The area of Duke Lake in Ryerson Station State Park, after it was drained due to damage from underground coal mining. In 1966, our state enacted a coal mining law known as the Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act (BMSLCA). The law laid out several requirements and protections to make coal mining safe for […]

The Path to Become the President

By Ethan Story | December 4, 2020

In past years, after election night, there has been minimal discussion about the process our nation has set in place for the newly elected President to take office. Yet, this year has placed this process on the front page of the news. This is a quick reference tool that you can use to see how […]

Harrisburg: Burning Our Trash is NOT Recycling!

By Ethan Story | November 19, 2020

Incinerator (waste-to-energy plant; waste incineration plant), Industry park Höchst, Hesse, Germany.. Norbert Nagel, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons When we hear the term “recycling,” many of us think about glass, paper, or plastic being sent to a facility to be broken down and then re-constructed into another product. However, House Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, […]

What is RGGI and How Will It Benefit Our State?

By Ethan Story | November 19, 2020

Photo credit: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (https://bit.ly/3nDFILV) Pennsylvania is the third-largest greenhouse gas polluting state and has the fifth dirtiest power plant sector in the nation. To deal with this problem, the Wolf administration has proposed a rule to cut carbon pollution from electric power plants. This would link Pennsylvania to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI,” […]

Senate Bill 790 Will Bring Long-Lasting and Costly Harm to our State (Update)

By Ethan Story | November 16, 2020

[This blog was originally posted on March 23, 2020, and has been updated.] Introduced by Senator Joe Scarnati, SB 790 provides economic benefits to the conventional oil and gas well drillers and places the public and the state’s environment at risk. It does this by relaxing the environmental standards currently in place to protect our […]

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