
Heaven Sensky


Heaven Lee Sensky was born and raised on a small family farm in Eighty-Four, Pennsylvania where she has been an active community member in advocacy and non profit work since she was 13 years old. As a first generation college graduate, her passion to pave the way for others in her community encouraged her to pursue college in Washington, DC to study public policy and social structures. Heaven is a recent graduate of American University, where she studied Communications, Law Studies, Economics, and Government in addition to Women, Gender and Sexualities studies. She previously interned for The Women and Girls Foundation of Southwestern Pennsylvania, The American University Center for Diversity and Inclusion, United States Senator Bob Casey, and The Personal Office of Michelle and Barack Obama. After a very busy 3 ½ years in college, Heaven is eager to get to work protecting and defending Appalachia (and spending some much needed time with her new dog, Gizmo).

You can read more about Heaven in a recent article published by American University here.  She can be reached at heaven@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

Posts by Heaven Sensky

How many more of my friends have to die before the state takes action?

By Heaven Sensky | October 8, 2019

As many of you have been following, the Department of Health of the great State of Pennsylvania held a public meeting at Canon-McMillan High School last night, October 7th, to discuss the methodology used to draw up their report, which concluded that there is no cancer cluster within the district. As many of our followers know, […]

Greene County resident Myles Cramer is the recipient of CCJ’s Solar Festival Scholarship

By Heaven Sensky | September 25, 2019

In planning our first Solar Festival, The Center for Coalfield Justice has gone through a scholarship process with the intention of investing in young people’s interest in renewable energy here in Greene County. Applicants were asked to submit a 250 word essay on an issue of their choice around the topic of renewable energy.  Myles […]

Over 60 People Attended “What to Know When Fracking is Your Neighbor” Event

By Heaven Sensky | September 17, 2019

The Center for Coalfield Justice partnered with Fractracker and The Southwestern Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project to hold a public meeting in Canonsburg on the evening of Thursday, September 12th at The Canonsburg Middle School. The event, “What to Know When Fracking Is Your Neighbor” aimed to inform residents of the work our organizations are doing […]

CCJ Members Learn with People from Across Pennsylvania About the Climate Crisis

By Heaven Sensky | August 22, 2019

CCJ staff members Heaven and Veronica, along with members Will Behm, Rick Heinze, Dwayne Thomas, and George Barnhart, attended a state-wide “Climate Equity Table” meeting in Harrisburg on August 20th. The meeting was attended by members and staff of various organizations working across the state on a range of issues from criminal justice to immigrant […]

What to Ask Your Local Officials When a Well Pad is Too Close For Comfort

By Heaven Sensky | August 2, 2019

The Augustine well pad in Cecil Township has raised a lot of questions for local residents, who recently built their homes where a well pad is permitted to operate, at a minimum required distance from their homes, by part of the same Board of Supervisors that oversaw the permitting of their neighborhood. The people living […]

CCJ is at the Jacktown Fair all this week!

By Heaven Sensky | July 18, 2019

In an effort to reach as many people as possible to discuss Economic Justice for Greene County, The Center for Coalfield Justice will be present at both fairs in the county as well as Rain Day. Fair attendees are prompted with one question from CCJ- “What is your hope for Greene County?” CCJ’s booth features […]

On the Road to Improving Our Economy

By Heaven Sensky | July 5, 2019

The workshops were a big success. Attendees forged an original conversation, with multiple points of view, in a civilized and productive manner. Discussions included hopes for the County’s future, the history of the county, the lives and experiences of attendees, and a deep dive into the declining mineral value tax revenue, made possible by of […]

A Fact Sheet on the Cecil Township ABB Property Agreement

By Heaven Sensky | June 3, 2019

“For folks living in Cecil Township, the purchase of the ABB Property in Muse has been a great concern. “

CCJ Organizer Attends Frontline Oil and Gas Summit led by Indigenous Leaders

By Heaven Sensky | May 24, 2019

The Frontline Oil and Gas Summit took place May 16th through the 18th in Ponca City, Oklahoma. The conference was held in the epicenter of oil and gas development in the battleground state of Oklahoma, only miles from ConocoPhillips 66 massive refinery, and surrounded by fracking operations as far as the eye could see. The […]

The Pennsylvania Solar Congress

By Heaven Sensky | March 6, 2019

The Pennsylvania Solar Congress took place on Sunday, February 24th 2019 in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. CCJ staff attended the event to help support solar expansion and to learn more about the industry. The event was hosted by Solar United Neighbors at the Community Forge building, a public community space dedicated to create inclusive opportunities for community […]

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