
Jason Capello

Jason Capello is a community advocate at CCJ. Jason has just recently moved back into the area, having left to teach in his hometown of Lebanon, Pa for the last 7 years. Jason has a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education: Science from Gwynedd Mercy University and a Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies from California University of Pa. No stranger to the field: Jason has worked for The Department of the Interior on the National Wildlife Refuge System, conducted/published research on environmental remediation, worked with local municipalities developing MS4 plans, monitoring protocols for pollutants and running educational outreach programs. Jason is excited to work in the community advocating for the people and habitats he now calls home.

Contact Jason at jason@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

Blog Posts by Jason Capello

The History of Road Dumping and Why Pennsylvania Should Ban It

By Jason Capello | May 29, 2024

Ted Auch, FracTracker Alliance, 2015. There is a long history of regulating “road dumping” which, essentially, is the disposal of oil and gas wastewater onto public roads. Due to some legislative loopholes, the by-product from conventional and unconventional drilling was legally allowed to be released on public roads, despite the number and concentration of harmful […]

Just Transition and the Green Manufacturing Boom

By Jason Capello | May 14, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of global energy, the transition towards renewable resources is murky and unclear. Yet, amidst this transformation, it’s imperative to ensure that no one is left behind. This concept is encapsulated in the notion of a “just transition,” which not only emphasizes environmental sustainability but also prioritizes social equity and economic justice. […]

What is the Whole Home Repairs Program?

By Jason Capello | March 22, 2024

You may have heard a lot about the Whole-Home Repairs program lately – Governor Shapiro mentioned it twice in his budget proposal for the year, CCJ sent out action alert emails to show support for properly funding the program, and Senator Fetterman recently introduced a bill to pilot a federal version of the program. But […]

What are Legislative Committees and How Do They Affect You?

By Jason Capello | March 6, 2024

Legislative committees are an integral part of the democratic process in the United States. They are groups of legislators assigned to study, debate, and amend proposed bills before they are presented to the full House or Senate for a vote. The PA House and Senate write and enact legislation. Each legislative chamber has mirroring committees […]

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