
What is the Whole Home Repairs Program?

Posted Mar 22, 2024, by Jason Capello


You may have heard a lot about the Whole-Home Repairs program lately - Governor Shapiro mentioned it twice in his budget proposal for the year, CCJ sent out action alert emails to show support for properly funding the program, and Senator Fetterman recently introduced a bill to pilot a federal version of the program. But what is the Whole-Home Repairs program, and how can it help our communities?

Pennsylvania is home to some of the oldest housing stock in the country - approximately 40% of Pennsylvania’s housing units were built before 1950. Pennsylvania recognized the need to assist families financially to improve their homes and created the Whole-Home Repairs Program (WHR). It is the first of its kind in the nation and is a one-stop shop in which Pennsylvania homeowners can apply for assistance and make necessary home repairs.

Homeowners and landlords can apply to county organizations for an award of up to $50,000 from the WHR program. Awards can be used for energy-efficient upgrades, weatherization improvements, and accommodations for individuals with disabilities. These can be things as simple as improving weather stripping and insulation or larger projects like repairing your roof, buying more efficient windows, or securing the foundation of your house. 

Local businesses put in bids to complete the jobs funded by the WHR program. Then, when a homeowner is chosen for an award, they are paired with a local contractor to complete the job. This program puts money directly into local economies and communities, creating opportunities for small businesses. Additionally, this program provides funding to the counties for construction-related workforce development. 

Owning and maintaining a home is an important pathway for Americans to build financial stability and generational wealth. A home is an investment. Those who struggle financially will not only have difficulty maintaining a safe environment for their family but will also struggle to build wealth in their investment. Increasing homeownership opportunities is a key component in empowering all of Pennsylvania. Assisting in building wealth, increasing the safety of a home, and generating opportunities for minorities that historically have been excluded from this narrative creates a stronger, more resilient Pennsylvania.

Whole-Home Repairs is an investment in some of the most important parts of Pennsylvania, our homes, and our communities. This program is a bi-partisan win for all of Pennsylvania and will help millions of families and businesses. It is time that Pennsylvania puts the money back into people and businesses that will keep that money in Pa. 


  • Jason Capello

    Jason Capello is a community advocate at CCJ. Jason has just recently moved back into the area, having left to teach in his hometown of Lebanon, Pa for the last 7 years. Jason has a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education: Science from Gwynedd Mercy University and a Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies from California University of Pa. No stranger to the field: Jason has worked for The Department of the Interior on the National Wildlife Refuge System, conducted/published research on environmental remediation, worked with local municipalities developing MS4 plans, monitoring protocols for pollutants and running educational outreach programs. Jason is excited to work in the community advocating for the people and habitats he now calls home. Contact Jason at jason@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

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