
Sarah Martik

Sarah joined the CCJ team as a Community Organizer in 2017 after previous work in performing arts and foreign language education, and became our Executive Director in 2023. A resident of Coal Center, PA, she is excited to work on issues related to legacy coal mining and the connection between the Appalachian petrochemical buildout and increases in fracking in southwestern PA communities like hers. She has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Policy but often says that her undergraduate degree in Theatre from the California University of Pennsylvania has been more useful in her work than anything else (ask her why sometimes!). When she is not working, Sarah loves spending time with her fiancé, niece, and nephews, and going on walks with her "fur kid" Lucy.

Contact Sarah at smartik@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

Blog Posts by Sarah Martik

Oil and gas companies want you to think that their financial struggles only began with COVID-19. They’re lying.

By Sarah Martik | April 24, 2020

The topic of corporate bailouts has held a dominant position in the news since early March 2020 when states began to respond seriously to the threats posed by COVID-19. While much attention was aimed at the cruise, airline, and hotel industries, the oil and gas industry has been lobbying to be included in those bailouts.  […]

EQT Landowner Town Halls Offer Some Insights

By Sarah Martik | August 26, 2019

On Wednesday, August 14, 2019, EQT’s new CEO Toby Rice held a landowner town hall at the EQT Rec Center in Greene County. EQT holds 2/3 of the leases in Greene County – a total of approximately 220,000 acres. This was followed with a meeting at Bentworth High School’s gymnasium in Washington County on Tuesday, […]

Statement on Columbia Gas Explosion in Washington, PA

By Sarah Martik | July 31, 2019

The Center for Coalfield Justice staff, like many in the Washington area, were shocked and scared by the Columbia Gas Pipeline explosion, which destroyed one house and impacted several others, on Wednesday, July 31, 2019. We are waiting with our community to hear news about the five people injured in that explosion and sending our […]

Have something on your mind? Write about it!

By Sarah Martik | July 3, 2019

If you’ve been reading CCJ’s blogs, you know that our staff write 99% of the entries. Solid writers we may be, but blog-hogs we are not: with that in mind, we’d like to issue an open invitation for contributions to our blog! What should I write about? Anything! We want to know what’s on your […]

Protectors of Mingo stall Mine Permit for Six Years

By Sarah Martik | May 9, 2019

It has been six years since Protectors of Mingo began fighting against RAM Mining, LLC (an arm of Ramaco) to prevent the Ram No. 1 Mine from coming into our community, and they are still going strong. A permit has not yet been issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, but Ramaco is still […]

Our Water Should Be Protected

By Sarah Martik | February 20, 2019

The following is a guest post written by Gillian Graber and the Protect PT team: Water is life. We depend on water for so many aspects of our lives. Yet our waters are some of the least protected entities in our state. While oil and gas companies contaminate our waters with their irresponsible practices, our […]

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