
Sarah Martik

Sarah joined the CCJ team as a Community Organizer in 2017 after previous work in performing arts and foreign language education, and became our Executive Director in 2023. A resident of Coal Center, PA, she is excited to work on issues related to legacy coal mining and the connection between the Appalachian petrochemical buildout and increases in fracking in southwestern PA communities like hers. She has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Policy but often says that her undergraduate degree in Theatre from the California University of Pennsylvania has been more useful in her work than anything else (ask her why sometimes!). When she is not working, Sarah loves spending time with her fiancé, niece, and nephews, and going on walks with her "fur kid" Lucy.

Contact Sarah at smartik@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

Blog Posts by Sarah Martik

Can We Get to Zero Carbon? Panelists Weigh In

By Sarah Martik | February 4, 2019

On January 29, StateImpact Pennsylvania and WESA sponsored an event at the Energy Innovation Center in Pittsburgh during which three panelists – Paulina Jaramillo, a professor of engineering and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University; Ivonne Pena, an energy analyst working with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; and Greg Reed, a professor of electric power […]

Support Coal Miners, Urge Your Legislators to Reinstate the Black Lung Fund

By Sarah Martik | January 30, 2019

Rates of Black Lung disease are on the rise in coal communities across Appalachia, but Congress allowed the excise tax that supports the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund to be automatically slashed at the end of 2018. The trust fund, already struggling to remain solvent, would need an increase from 2018 levels in order to […]

Petrochemical Projects Given Green Light over Holiday Break

By Sarah Martik | January 14, 2019

The PA Department of Environmental Protection issued water permits (Chapters 102 and 105) for the PA leg of the Falcon Pipeline to be built, run, and operated by Shell. This pipeline will carry ethane, a natural gas liquid, from Houston, PA’s MarkWest facility to the Ethane Cracker Plant in Beaver County. Concerned residents from Washington, […]

Black Lung Disability Fund in Jeopardy unless Congress Acts

By Sarah Martik | December 12, 2018

Rates of Black Lung disease are on the rise in coal communities across Appalachia, but Congress is set to allow Black Lung Disability benefits to be jeopardized.  Congress has failed to pass an extension of current funding levels, but some members are fervently working to pass this extension as part of an appropriations bill up […]

EJ Groups Gather to Discuss Breaking Free From Plastics

By Sarah Martik | November 12, 2018

CCJ previously attended a Break Free From Plastics gathering in Houston, but the consensus from that meeting was that environmental justice groups were not proportionally represented in the space, so groups like GAIA and TEJAS with support from Earthworks arranged this meeting. Groups like Portand Citizens United, 5 Gyres, and Louisiana Environmental Action Network attended […]

Protectors of Mingo Remain Active; Ramaco Permitting Process Continues

By Sarah Martik | November 8, 2018

This campaign has been active for 6 years, with small wins along the way. Township officials met with residents years ago to place a set of restrictions on the mine designed to protect community members, drivers and their passengers through the area, and homeowners. Currently, POM are keeping an eye on developments in the permitting […]

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