
Archive: Ryerson

Ryerson Pa stream

Update on Stream Monitoring within Ryerson

By Nick Hood / March 10, 2019
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The Center for Coalfield Justice continues to monitor streams within Ryerson Station State Park that were undermined by Consol’s Bailey Lower East Expansion.   CCJ conducted visual monitoring in Polen Run during and after undermining. During those visual inspections, we noticed physical changes to the stream bed and banks. Due to back-to-back record-setting rainfall amounts […]

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Dryerson Festival 12TH

12th Annual DRYerson Festival a Huge Success!

By Veronica Coptis / July 5, 2018
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Ryerson gathering

Community Comes Together to Heal and Rally Forward from Mining Impacts to Polen Run in the Park

By Veronica Coptis / May 14, 2018
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Duke Lake Sign

A permitting update on coal mining around Ryerson

By Veronica Coptis / September 22, 2017
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Due to our recent legal win which made streambed lining illegal, Consol was forced to change their stream mitigation plan for proposed longwall mining under Polen Run. In response, on August 25th, Consol amended its pending permit revision seeking authorization for mining under Polen Run for the 4L and 5L panels of the Bailey Mine […]

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Workers at the site

The Environmental Hearing Board Rules In Favor of CCJ and Sierra Club

By Sarah Winner / August 30, 2017
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On Tuesday, August 15, 2017, the Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board (EHB) unanimously delivered a major victory to Center for Coalfield Justice, Sierra Club and their members in a consolidated appeal of two longwall mining permits for the Bailey Coal Mine: Permit Revision No. 180 and Permit Revision No. 189. The EHB’s decision sets important precedent […]

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Before longwall mining

Environmental Hearing Board Overturns Permit for Destructive Mining Upstream of Ryerson Station State Park

By Veronica Coptis / August 15, 2017
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Greene County, PA–The Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board (EHB) rejected a revised underground longwall mining permit issued by the state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in 2015 that allowed Consol Pennsylvania Coal Company (Consol) to cause extensive damage to a stream called Polen Run, which flows into Ryerson Station Station State Park. “We greatly appreciate all […]

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