
Our Work

All of our work is informed and directed by people who live in Washington and Greene Counties. We work with people around the issues that are impacting them, which typically fall into four pillars: Coal, Oil/Gas & Petrochemical, Economic Justice, and Democracy. Through our work in these categories, our focus is to invest in the leadership of those who are most impacted and to help create communities of people that possess the skills and analysis to advocate for their basic rights to a healthy environment and thriving economy.

Directly below, you can access more information on the different facets of our work, and our blogs appear beneath, beginning with the most recent.

Updates on our Work

plastic waste

EJ Groups Gather to Discuss Breaking Free From Plastics

By Sarah Martik | November 12, 2018

CCJ previously attended a Break Free From Plastics gathering in Houston, but the consensus from that meeting was that environmental justice groups were not proportionally represented in the space, so […]

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Protectors of Mingo logo

Protectors of Mingo Remain Active; Ramaco Permitting Process Continues

By Sarah Martik | November 8, 2018

This campaign has been active for 6 years, with small wins along the way. Township officials met with residents years ago to place a set of restrictions on the mine […]

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Love Thy Neighbor FCNL.org

Love Is Stronger Than Hate

By Veronica Coptis | October 30, 2018

The massacre of our neighbors in a house of worship is terrifying and a stark reminder of the recent rise in anti-Semitism, white nationalism, and racism in our communities. From […]

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Water is life Shale insight conference Pittsburgh

Demonstrations Impact Shale Insight Conference

By Sarah Martik | October 26, 2018

Concerned residents from throughout the Appalachian region gathered in Pittsburgh on Tuesday, October 23 and Wednesday, October 24 for two connected actions designed to counter the Shale Insight Conference. The […]

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Defend our water day of action flyer

Defend Our Water – Day of Action in Pittsburgh!

By Sarah Martik | October 18, 2018

The petrochemical industry will be holding its annual Shale Insight Conference from Tuesday, October 23 – Thursday, October 25 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, PA — […]

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Organizing summit building relationships

Organizers Build Relationship and Trust at Grassroots Organizing Summit

By Nick Hood | October 16, 2018

CCJ recently hosted the Grassroots Organizing Summit with Mountain Watershed Association in Mount Pleasant, PA. Community organizers, frontline community members from the tri-state region attended along with allies in the […]

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Capitol building angle 2

CCJ Goes to Washington, DC to Advocate for Black Lung Trust Fund and RECLAIM Act

By Nick Hood | October 8, 2018

The PA Center for Coalfield Justice joined forces with the Alliance for Appalachia and traveled to Washington DC to influence lawmakers on a few coalfield issues.  We spent three days, […]

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pexels lara jameson 8899233


By Nick Hood | October 5, 2018

Kavanaugh, if confirmed, will be part of making crucial decisions that affect our nation’s laws and our interpretations of the law.  Someone who has treated women this way throughout his […]

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Party in the park gathering

Fun Times at CCJ’s Annual Party in the Park

By Nick Hood | October 2, 2018

The Center for Coalfield Justice just held its 4th annual Party in the Park Fall Fundraiser on September 29, 2018.  With help from our donors and sponsors, the event was […]

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Sarah Martik Public statement

CCJ Speaks Out at DEP and in California Borough

By Sarah Martik | September 24, 2018

The day began at an event at the Department of Environmental Protection’s Southwest Regional Office in Pittsburgh, where the Breathe Project organized a press event to draw attention to the […]

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Greene County Map

Greene County is Updating Comprehensive Plan

By Veronica Coptis | September 14, 2018

Greene County’s current comprehensive plan will expire in 2020 and the county is in the process of updating it’s comprehensive plan. A Comprehensive plan serves as a document designed to […]

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Peoples Climate March Washington PA

Washington County Residents Take Action

By Nick Hood | September 12, 2018

The People’s Climate March held by CCJ and Washington United on September 8th, 2018 in Washington, PA was a success!  Despite the morning forecast for potential floods and an all-day […]

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