
Request DEP Hold Public Meeting for Proposed Coal Refuse Disposal Area (Valley Fill)

Posted May 10, 2019, by Nick Hood

Consol Energy currently operates six Coal Refuse Disposal Areas or better described as toxic valley fills. They have begun construction and waste disposal in a seventh valley fill destroying a beautiful and lush valley in Greene County. Now they are seeking another permit to fill in another valley that will impact 900 acres and fill small headwater streams that are valuable components of downstream ecosystems.The proposed discharges associated with this valley fill further threaten those ecosystems

This video shows one of these valleys fills side by side with footage before construction and after.

The permit under review is currently open for public comments and request for a public hearing. Take action below to request a public meeting and voice your questions and concerns to the DEP


  • Nick Hood

    Nick Hood is the Senior Organizer at CCJ. Nick and his family have lived, worked, and recreated in Washington County for their entire lives. He attended the University of Pittsburgh and earned his degree in Environmental Studies. Nick is passionate about the environment and his community, and hopes to see an increase in environmental protection to help ensure the health and well-being of his family, including his 4 nephews and 1 niece. As a part of his goals, he aims to educate and provide the community with the necessary knowledge and tools to combat pollution and corruption perpetuated by the large energy companies. When he is not working, he likes to play music, watch baseball, and spend time with his family and friends. Contact Nick at nick@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

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