
Archive: Action


Add Your Voice to Make Sure Senator Manchin’s Gifts to the Fossil Fuel Industry Don’t Get Delivered This Holiday Season!

By Nina Victoria / November 17, 2022
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  Late this summer, we asked our members to join us in Washington, D.C, to rally against a dirty side deal made between Democratic leadership and West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin. The deal for Senator Manchin’s vote on the Inflation Reduction Act was to attach dangerous changes to our permitting system to a must-pass bill that funds […]

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one pager haz waste

The latest on the efforts to close the hazardous waste loophole in PA

By Lisa DePaoli / September 30, 2021
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Under current PA law, oil and gas waste is not classified as hazardous, although it contains radioactive and other dangerous materials. This waste is allowed to be disposed of in our local landfills. Eventually, some of this waste makes its way into our streams and rivers, posing a health risk to all Pennsylvanians. CCJ has […]

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Close the Hazardous Waste Loophole

Close the Loophole in State Laws Governing the Disposal of Toxic Drilling Waste

By Phoenix White / August 9, 2021
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Because of a shortsighted exemption made 30 years ago, Pennsylvanians are exposed daily to potentially toxic and radioactive waste produced by the oil and gas industry. For the last three decades, these companies have taken advantage of a loophole in state laws governing the disposal of toxic drilling waste.

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NRDC’s Report: There is Radioactive Waste in our Water, Air, and Communities

By Ethan Story / August 5, 2021
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Last week, the NRDC released a comprehensive report highlighting the gaps in our federal and state laws concerning how radioactive waste, generated from oil and gas development, gets into our water and air. The report, which is aptly titled: A Hot Fracking Mess: How Weak Regulations of Oil and Gas Production Leads to Radioactive Waste […]

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100 Days for Climate, Jobs, and Justice — What You Can Do

By Veronica Coptis / February 3, 2021
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Image from CCJ’s climate march Over the past two weeks, President Biden has already taken some bold actions to protect our environment and climate, like rejoining the Paris Agreement and stopping the Keystone XL Pipeline. In the President’s actions, we must ensure that Black, Indigenous, Brown, and working-class communities’ needs are put first as the […]

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What is RGGI and How Will It Benefit Our State?

By Ethan Story / November 19, 2020
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Photo credit: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (https://bit.ly/3nDFILV) Pennsylvania is the third-largest greenhouse gas polluting state and has the fifth dirtiest power plant sector in the nation. To deal with this problem, the Wolf administration has proposed a rule to cut carbon pollution from electric power plants. This would link Pennsylvania to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI,” […]

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