
Archive: legislation/policy

SB 831 Title Only

Tell your PA House Representative to VOTE NO on Dangerous Energy Bill!

By Nina Victoria / May 31, 2024
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When new energy projects are built in our communities, they must go through a thorough permitting process and comply with many state regulations that are meant to protect us. However, a bill is currently moving through the State General Assembly that might make it a reality that these projects won’t have to go through our […]

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SB 832 and 1058

On the Move: Senate Bills 832 and 1058

By Nina Victoria / March 27, 2024
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The Senate has several bills on the verge of passing and heading to the House. A few could affect the future of energy development and a just transition for fossil fuel workers in Pennsylvania. One of these bills, SB 832, would establish an Independent Energy Office in our state. This office would analyze laws, regulations, […]

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What is the Whole Home Repairs Program

What is the Whole Home Repairs Program?

By Jason Capello / March 22, 2024
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You may have heard a lot about the Whole-Home Repairs program lately – Governor Shapiro mentioned it twice in his budget proposal for the year, CCJ sent out action alert emails to show support for properly funding the program, and Senator Fetterman recently introduced a bill to pilot a federal version of the program. But […]

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PA state legis

What are Legislative Committees and How Do They Affect You?

By Jason Capello / March 6, 2024
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Legislative committees are an integral part of the democratic process in the United States. They are groups of legislators assigned to study, debate, and amend proposed bills before they are presented to the full House or Senate for a vote. The PA House and Senate write and enact legislation. Each legislative chamber has mirroring committees […]

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WHR Budget Statement

PA Budget Deal Leaves Out Whole-Home Repairs: State Officials Playing Politics with People’s Homes

By Lisa DePaoli / December 18, 2023
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Washington and Greene Counties need more funding for the program, not less. So far, Washington County has granted awards for workforce development in the construction industry, which should help to address long-standing labor shortages. Greene County has prioritized veterans and disabled resident repairs, with a portion utilized for workforce development.

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RGGI Court Challenge Press Release 1920 x 1080 px

CCJ Applauds Gov Shapiro’s Decision to Appeal Court’s Block of RGGI

By Lisa DePaoli / November 22, 2023
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Ethan Story, Advocacy Director for the Center for Coalfield Justice, stated “We are excited that the Governor has made this decision. Pennsylvania communities need this for many reasons. Although RGGI is not the perfect answer for our state, it is a step in the right direction toward a just transition. RGGI is something that most residents want and deserve. It also would bring incredible environmental benefits. It is unclear how the state would use the funds to bring frontline and coal communities the help they need and deserve. CCJ will continue to advocate for these funds to be invested into these communities.” 

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