
Tell your PA House Representative to VOTE NO on Dangerous Energy Bill!

Posted May 31, 2024, by Nina Victoria

SB 831 Title Only

When new energy projects are built in our communities, they must go through a thorough permitting process and comply with many state regulations that are meant to protect us.

However, a bill is currently moving through the State General Assembly that might make it a reality that these projects won’t have to go through our thorough permitting process and will be able to have regulations they don’t want to comply with waived – potentially violating one of our constitutional rights.

Learn more about the latest update to SB 832 and tell your State Representative to vote against it by clicking the button below!

Click Here


  • Nina Victoria

    Nina Victoria is excited to join the CCJ team as our Community Advocate. She was previously our Policy Fellow. Before beginning work at CCJ, Nina graduated from Duquesne University School of Law, where she served as Editor-In-Chief of JOULE: Duquesne Energy & Environmental Law Journal and an intern for PA State Senator James Brewster’s office. Before law school, Nina attended the University of Washington where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. As a lifelong resident of Coal Center, PA, Nina is passionate about protecting the health and safety of the residents of Southwestern PA and our natural resources. Whether it is gardening, paddleboarding, or playing with her dog, when Nina is not working you will likely find her outside enjoying the fresh air. Contact Nina at nina@centerforcoalfieldjustice.org.

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