
Archive: Actions

Unlimited Contributions Logo

Sign Now to Limit Corporate Money in our Democracy

By CCJ / July 26, 2024
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Pennsylvania allows unlimited individual and PAC (Political Action Committees) donations to political candidates’ campaigns. Corporations, like those in the fossil fuel industry, are contributing to elections, creating a pay-to-play scheme for our democracy. Voting in every election is one critical way we can push back on each dollar that billionaires are moving into elections.  Do […]

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2024 Water Drive w Description 2

New Freeport Faces Lack of Water AGAIN. Please Help!

By CCJ / July 19, 2024
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Residents of New Freeport, Pennsylvania have been without safe, drinkable private water since June 2022 following a reported frac-out at a nearby EQT well pad. Since then, residents have been forced to purchase pallets of water bottles or refill jugs at stores far from their homes in order to drink or cook. The Department of Environmental Protection […]

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HB 1783 Action Alert

Tell Your Senator to Vote YES on HB 1783!

By CCJ / July 17, 2024
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House Bill 1783 passed on a 187 to 14 vote on Wednesday, June 12th. A large portion of the language in this piece of legislation was taken and amended from a previously stalled bill back on November 23rd of last year, House Bill 1650. HB 1783 would create a lifetime grant program for substance use […]

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SB 831 Title Only

Tell your PA House Representative to VOTE NO on Dangerous Energy Bill!

By Nina Victoria / May 31, 2024
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When new energy projects are built in our communities, they must go through a thorough permitting process and comply with many state regulations that are meant to protect us. However, a bill is currently moving through the State General Assembly that might make it a reality that these projects won’t have to go through our […]

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IMG 0448 1

Want a MAD-FACTS yard sign? Let us know by signing up! We will deliver!

By CCJ / April 23, 2024
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Fracking puts our Health at Risk- and we need your help to get the word out across the community! We are so excited to announce that we have MAD-FACTS yard signs in stock. The yard signs are FREE and we would be happy to bring one to you! Displaying a MAD-FACTS sign in your yard will […]

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Cecil Action

Tell Cecil Township to increase protections for residents living near fracking!

By CCJ / April 11, 2024
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In March, you may have seen our update regarding ongoing concerns residents of Cecil Township have had as Operations via Range Resources have plagued their families with the detrimental nuisance of constant noise and vibrations in addition to air quality and water quality concerns that pose health risks to their families. If you’re a resident, […]

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